Brazilian Clarity PPM User Group

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  • Greetings, We are having problems with the "Forgot password" link in the login page. Since we are using LDAP integration (but not SSO), the link only adds confusion since it has no real meaning to our company and users. I have found this thread ( Forgor ...

    1 person recommends this.
  • Fala Gustavo, tudo bem? Esse artigo tem alguns exemplos bem estruturados que podem te ajudar: ------------------------------ Thiago Bottoni ------------------------------

Unanswered Threads

  • Greetings, We are having problems with the "Forgot password" link in the login page. Since we are using LDAP integration (but not SSO), the link only adds confusion since it has no real meaning to our company and users. I have found this thread ( Forgor ...

    1 person recommends this.